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What’s in Your Hospital Bag?

Danielle Ferris

Updated: May 15, 2024

What to pack in your hospital bag when delivering in Connecticut
Hospital Bag New Mom Connecticut

Are you a chronic over packer, taking everything but the kitchen sink? Or are you the sort of person who

regularly forgets their toothbrush? Maybe you are somewhere in between. Whatever kind of packer you

are, packing your hospital bag is a whole different ballgame.

Giving birth to your child is one of the most important experiences you will ever have. You want it to be

perfect, everything you dream it will be. The reality is most times babies come when they want and how

they want. So, it’s important to prepare now for your hospital stay.

What should be in your hospital bag? Will the hospital provide anything, or do you need to bring it all?

Every situation will be different. Specific needs and what the hospital will provide may vary from person

to person and place to place. This article will help you decide what you need. We will also share some

basic items you may be surprised to learn the hospital will provide.

Knowing What You Need

As your due date approaches, give some thought to your birth plan. What kind of experience do you

want to have? As you write out your birth plan, you will begin to get an idea of what is important to

have with you.

Talk to your provider to find out what to expect at the hospital. They will be able to answer any

questions you have about the labor and delivery procedures at the hospital. For example, where should

you go when you arrive? What are their visitor policies? Will they allow someone to stay with you?

Members of your birth team, such as your doctor, doula, or midwife, can also provide information about

what items you will need and what will be provided for you.

Here are a few basic things every new mom will need:

  •  Comfortable clothes for mom and baby

  •  Personal toiletry items

  •  Pads

  •  Diapers

  •  Blankets

  •  Pillow

  •  Charging cords

So, what do you need to pack and what will the hospital provide? Let’s find out!

What the Hospital Should Provide

There are many birthing products available. You may have received some of these items as baby shower

gifts or you may have bought them on the recommendation of friends or family. But you might be

surprised to learn that many of these products will be provided for you by the hospital.

Here are some things you can likely expect to receive at the hospital:

  • Round and Peanut birthing balls

  •  Post delivery care items such as Peri bottle, pads, disposable underwear, and pain relief items

  •  Breast feeding supplies, formula, and bottles

  •  Baby items such as diapers and swaddles

This is obviously not an exhaustive list. However, many new mamas report that they packed things they

ended up not needing because it was given to them at the hospital. If there is something you absolutely

must have, then by all means pack it. But ask your provider or other moms who have used the same

birthing center to find out what to expect.

What You Should Pack in Your Hospital Bag

If the hospital provides so much, you may wonder what you really do need to pack. Every situation and

every new mom is different. What is necessary to you may be completely unneeded by another person.

As you develop your birth plan, consider making a list of those essential items.

Here are some of the key things you will definitely need to pack:

  •  Comfortable clothing for you, baby, and your support person who is staying with you

  •  “Going Home” outfits for you and baby

  •  Supportive nursing bras

  •  Personal toiletries such as shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes etc.

  •  Important documents such as insurance card, drivers license, and birth plan

  •  Car seat

There are a few other items you may or may not need depending on your preferences:

  •  Your favorite pillow

  •  Comfy robe and slippers

  •  Hair dryer

  •  Cell phone and/or tablet and extra-long charging cords

  •  Camera

  •  Music

  •  Lollipops or hard candies

In addition to knowing what to bring, it is equally important to know what to leave at home. Don’t bring

large amounts of cash, credit cards, jewelry, or other valuable items.

For more information, check the maternity page of your chosen hospital. Many hospitals will have a list

of recommended items. For example here are the lists for Hartford Hospital and UConn Medical Center.

Are you worried you might forget something? Tiny Miracles Care has your back! Download this free

checklist to keep track of what you need to bring.

Going Home

Before leaving the hospital, you may be provided with some care items to take home. However, you will

likely want to have a larger supply on hand at home. You may also want to have some meals prepared

ahead of time and have your helpers lined up. Tiny Miracles Care is ready and able to provide excellent

postpartum support for you and your family. We can prepare nutritious meals, help care for siblings and

pets, and do light housework while you bond with your baby. We will also care for your newborn while

you rest, shower, and care for other responsibilities. Set up a consultation today!

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